A sweet new little boy - {Albuquerque newborn photographer}
This little guy isn't really quite a newborn - he was one month old when I took these pictures a week or so ago. He wasn't sleepy at all - it's really tricky to get babies older than about 2 weeks to sleep for newborn-style portraits, and he wasn't going for it. But he was nice & calm, and had such beautiful alert eyes! He & his mom had kind of a tough time for a couple of weeks, but hopefully they are all recovered and doing well. He certainly looks beautiful, doesn't he?
He faked us out a time or two by shutting his eyes when I pressed the shutter - you might think he's peacefully asleep... :) but he was perfectly happy even awake.
These are precious Pam! I love that second one with his eyes open. He is such a cutie...and he has great hair, LOL! Neither of my babies had that much hair. You're awesome girl!
These are precious Pam! I love that second one with his eyes open. He is such a cutie...and he has great hair, LOL! Neither of my babies had that much hair. You're awesome girl!