Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Family session giveaway reminder, and bows!

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted! I've been working like crazy on my website, orders, sessions, etc., and haven't been blogging. You'd think it was the end of November or something. :)

I've been getting questions about where I got my girls' beautiful bows. They're made by Chelsea Wagner of Lynney Bug's Bows and I very highly recommend them! They are so well done, really high quality. And what's best for me - she does sticky clippies so they will stay in my girls' fine fine hair. They love choosing every morning - sometimes they match, sometimes not. :) Anyway here are some pics, and if you're interested go to her website - great bows, great customer service.

Albuquerque children photography

Albuquerque children photography

Albuquerque children photography

Albuquerque children photography

I wanted to post a reminder about or family portraiture giveaway - nominate a friend or family member!
Albuquerque children photography

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