Some of my favorite kids here. What a blessing their family is in our lives - my daughter met their daughter on their first day of first grade, and it's been non-stop friends ever since. She's been such a great influence and friend to my little girl - always full of fun and exciting ideas. And I love her brother too - he's grown up so much in the last couple of years. For awhile he & my son had matching coats & Lightning McQueen shoes - it always made me smile.
I was so happy that they wanted bunny portraits - thanks for coming! So many fun pictures - this is a tiny sample.
And look at these handsome guys! They were awesome - they were so gentle with the bunnies, smiled, and looked great! I'm always really glad to see them. Last time their little guy needed tic-tacs to stay for the camera, but this time I didn't even have to get them out. Great job! :) And thanks for coming.
Bunny love. :)